Enspire Partners

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AT&T Agrees To Move Large Internal Databases Into Oracle Cloud

Oracle and AT&T have announced AT&T will be moving thousands of AT&T's databases into the Oracle Cloud platform. 

Read their press release HERE

This is part of AT&T's plan to virtualize  their Wide Area Network. "The company’s goal is to virtualize 75% of its core network functions by 2020, hitting 55% by the end of 2017."

Historically, there are two major challenges to address with virtualization:  

  1. Security - Is my data safe?
  2. Functionality - Is the software robust enough to meet my core business functions?

This represents another check mark in the column for the future of Cloud-based systems.  If AT&T trusts their data to the Cloud, maybe your company can, too. 

Now, let's see if it helps them get the cable guy to my house on time.